Recent college = read + COMPLETE homework in a timely manner + study
I actually enjoy the second one better, much to my surprise.
NOW, for next year. My schedule will allow plenty of time for studying... It's a rather awkward schedule, but that's how life tends to be with me. Maybe I like it that way...?

Maybe it's kind of light and difficult to see. There are also scratches, scribbles, and edits, but this is basically what my schedule will look like for the Fall 2009 Semester.
Why do I hate it?
Class, yet again!, until 7p.m.
And Tuesdays, seriously?!? Why is Mechanics ONLY offered once? Tuesday and Thursday nights?
Engineering has this weird tendency AWAY from normal hours. Maybe vampires are in charge.
But hey, at least I decided to switch physics so I don't have any Friday classes. Yet again. :-)
I also managed to avoid any classes prior to 10a.m. Not too shabby.
But if I hadn't moved physics, Mondays would rock my socks off. 10-2, no break, 2:30-4, then 5:30-7. Outstanding!
Also, I have no honors course. In order to graduate with honors, you have to have one every single semester, which means I'll be petitioning for honors credit in one of these classes. Extra work! Yay. Actually I don't mind work so much anymore (see beginning). Time management and dedication are worth it after all.
Basically, I don't hate it as much as I did when I told you I do. We'll see how I feel about it in four and a half months though.
Oh, and I also have engineering math with my ... friends. Ya know. Yeah. I would've had physics with them too, but I figured it wasn't worth such a crappy schedule. Actually, I could change math to MWF11-12 where physics was in order to have a better professor. Then Mech Design lab could be 1-4Wed instead of 5:30-8:30, but whatever. I want class with my friends, and much more importantly - I don't want Friday classes. My wrist hurts from typing all of this. I'll talk to you laterrr!