Sunday, January 23, 2011

19 - Fill the Frame

I had this picture frame paired with a photo that I took over the summer. I absolutely love the photo, and I absolutely love the frame, but when I got back from Tennessee and saw them on my wall, I decided that they just didn't work *together* so I pulled the frame down, took the picture and everything out, and just stuck the frame on my door because I didn't have time to put it somewhere else. I left it there that night and the next day because I was busy, and then, when I came back from class the next day and saw it on my door, I felt very inspired...
The empty picture frame on my door reminded me that I've got another picture to take. Maybe that next photo will be the one to fill the frame. Maybe it won't. I've got to take the picture to find out.
Truthfully, I've decided that I'm never going to fill the frame, that way I will always feel inspired to keep trying to.

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